Welcome to Shillington.org
This website is a history of the Shillington family. The history is divided into three parts:
1. 500 AD to 1808: Saxony to England to Ireland.
2. 1808 to 1908: Ontario
4. 1996 onwards: Ned Shillington
The matriarch was Dorathy Shillington (ne Henry). Her story as seen by her sons, Terry and Ned is interwoven throughout the history of the Shillington family. Fortunately, she also wrote the history of her own family, the Henrys. Here is in her own words after a short introduction by a genealogist, Mary Boyle.
The next generation is their children:
2. Terrance (Terry) Henry Shillington
3. Ned & Sonia in their words (or as summarized by Wikipedia).
We hope in these stories you can learn something of the people and their times.
We’d be delighted to have your comments. Please send them to ned@shillington.org
© 2025 Shillington Family History